Laggy in Maryland— ADOPTED!!

Before getting ill, Laggy had a wonderful family apply to adopt her. While she recovered, they kept in constant contact with FBV still wanting to adopt her after she was better. Well, Laggy improved and they made the long trip to her foster home to officially adopt her. We couldn’t be happier for Laggy. She has found a wonderful fur-ever home! They love her so much already and are thrilled to call her theirs. Congrats are home!!


UPDATE 5/3/2020: 

A week ago, Laggy was found to be in considerable pain so her foster mom took her for a visit to the neurologist. The imaging performed revealed that she has a herniated disk in her neck, a malformed vertebrae at the top of her back, and another herniated disk in her midback area. All three issues are causing compressions, but they are all mild at this time. The neurologist feels that with strict crate rest and medical management she should recover without the need for surgery. She was instructed to begin 4-6 weeks of strict crate rest.

A few days later, Laggy began showing signs of increased pain following the other diagnoses. Because of this, a spinal tap was administered and was found to be positive for meningitis. Laggy is improving from the meningitis but still needs to finish her crate rest. She will never be a dog who can do stairs, jump on and off furniture, or play roughly with other dogs. With her IVDD issues, she has the potential for future flair ups.

Given these changes in her medical condition, Laggy is currently on medical hold. 

Laggy is a beautiful 2-year-old Frenchie who was tearfully surrendered by her former owner because of her diagnosis of IVDD. Her previous owner felt that Laggy would have a better life in a home where she would be monitored more closely and would be an only dog...or at least with different dogs than those with whom she used to live.

While Laggy has been diagnosed with IVDD, she has only had one mild flair up. She was treated with medication and six weeks of crate rest. She recovered very quickly but will need to be monitored for the rest of her life and could need major medical attention for this condition in the future.

Laggy currently lives with 5 dogs and a cat in her foster home. She gets along well with all the resident dogs except the 100-pound bloodhound. She does not seem to like dogs of very large size. She also has a strong prey drive for the cat and will not let it go. Any dogs that she lives with must be willing to be in the submissive role, because Laggy tends to want to fight the alpha dog.

She also should not be placed with very active and playful dogs because of her IVDD issues. Laggy is full of energy & too much rough play would be detrimental to her back. The best new home for her would be with one or two laid back, possibly older, couch potato like dogs. No matter what, a slow & careful introduction will be a must. If you do not have the time to dedicate to this, which could possibly take weeks, then Laggy would not be the dog for you.

Laggy has been given some toys in her crate only & most of the time she does not seem to have a problem with it; although, her foster mom has noticed some occasional resource guarding when a dog approaches her crate with an interest in the toy/bone that she has. She is fed separately because you never know what could happen. Laggy eats in her crate & has never had an issue but the other dogs are busy eating also and never bother her. While she cannot be trusted with other dogs in the home with toys and food, she is not aggressive with her humans and toys and likes to play with her people.

Some funny things Laggy does in her foster home is she will position her body over top of your hand so that you almost have to rub her chest or belly constantly. She also likes to sing to you when she wants something (attention, food or out of her crate)!

Laggy needs a family who understands that she has IVDD and needs to be monitored. This is not a condition that will ever go away and could easily result in considerable pain and surgery for the dog...not to mention the considerable cost to the family. There is no guarantee that this won't happen anyway but if she is allowed to run, jump & play roughly then it is pretty much a given. She also needs a great deal of consideration when it comes to the other pets in the home, both present and future. She needs a family that is understanding of the time she will need to settle in and is willing to give it to her. Her foster mom believes it is best for her to be in a crate (or a confined space) when left home alone and at night. Her foster family was told that she doesn't like to be crated, but she has gotten used to it and is happy in her space while still being around other dogs.