Rubble in Florida- ADOPTED!!

We have some happy news for Rubble!


Rubble came into the rescue with back end paresis and bowel incontinence which required a great deal of time and TLC from from his foster family. They were completely dedicated to his care and the clean up that went with it.


Rubble was able to have surgery to help his situation somewhat. His foster family loved him and helped him through the entire healing process. They even worked with him diligently to get him to be able to eventually potty outdoors!


Finding the perfect adopter for dogs like Rubble can be incredibly difficult. It takes a very special home to willingly adopt a dog with mobility and incontinence issues. Rubble will need ongoing physical therapy as well.


When his foster family expressed their immense love, commitment and desire to keep him and care for his special needs, it filled our hearts. We knew that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for him.


Congrats to you Rubble! You were home all along!

We’d like to introduce you to Rubble! Rubble is a 1 year 4-month-old love bug! He was surrendered to FBV when he developed paresis in his rear legs. This weakness doesn't keep him down, though. He has lots of energy and when the zoomies hit, this little spider monkey is hard to catch! However, after being active, his back legs do get weaker, and he will drag them. While he is continent of urine, Rubble does suffer from bowel incontinence.


Rubble loves hard!! His favorite activity (if you bend down & let him) is licking your ears for as long as you’ll allow. He’s still working up the courage to meet strangers but once he knows you, it's as if he has known you his whole life.


His foster family absolutely adores him already and his foster Frenchie brother and sister are enjoying his company too. Rubble is set to see neurology to determine the next steps to help him enjoy his life to the fullest and with better mobility. Please cross your fingers (and your toes) that all goes well at his appointment!