Bowzer in Pennsylvania- ADOPTED!
Congratulations to our sweet boy, Bowzer! He has been adopted by an amazing mom and dad. He also has two really cool human sisters and two doggie brothers. His new family has experience with brachycephalic breeds as well as rescue dogs, so we know that he has landed in the right place. We are absolutely ecstatic for Bowzer and his furever family!

Hey, hey world….Bowzer here! I am letting you all know that I have made it to the available page so get putting in your applications.
Little about me….I am a healthy, 1-year-old tank weighing in at 50 lbs. Yeah…you read that right!! I am a big boy!!
I was surrendered to FBV because I was not a good fit for my last home. You see, I like humping other dogs and the resident female dog did not really care for it- not sure why but she didn’t. My foster mom says I have improved on this which I hear is a good thing in helping to make new dog friends and not embarrass my humans. Other than my not so pleasant gift for humping, I do have a very sensitive stomach and will need to take a probiotic daily for the remainder of my days.
If I must say so myself I am pretty darn smart. I am housebroken (okay don’t tell anyone occasionally I will have an accident in the house), crate trained, and leash trained. I also know how to sit, stay, down, leave it and come.
I love every person and creature I meet. I am, however, overly interested in new animals. I can easily be told to leave them though and then will realize they are friends and will leave them alone. I am also hesitant when meeting new men. I will bark at them and not approach initially but soon after will warm up to them and be just fine.
I am very friendly but am a straight bullhead. I will doze through everything in my path so if you think you can keep me contained by gates you have another thing coming. Gates are for the weak…I have not met one yet that I can’t tank my way through. I also could take you down when playing if I am up for it so small kids in my new home are not for the best. I am pretty laid-back but also very active. I need some serious exercise and often can even out exercise my hound mix foster sibling.
I am pretty easy-going when it comes to people and other animals. I am a go with the flow kind of guy! My dog and cat mates in my foster home and I get along just fine…and I am not super picky when it comes to my new home having a fence or not. I also don’t need a stay-at-home dog parent or a mid-day potty break. Though, both sound amazing!
In my new home, I would, however, really love if there was another high energy dog with whom I could play. I really love to play, and I love any and all toys! I also would love an affectionate human as I love to give kisses. I have been told I am super sweet and quite the love bug!