Cabo Memorial

We unfortunately have some sad news to share with The Village. Cabo (formerly Chavo), a FBV alumni, has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. His family has written the most beautiful words about him, and we would like to share how much he was loved.
"To Everyone at French Bulldog Village -
My wife (Alexis) and I are writing you with the sad news that our son Cabo (Chavo when he was under your care) has passed on. Since the day he came to us (picture in the car), Cabo has been (along with his sister Sparkles) the center of our lives.
While we are thankful for the two and a half years we had with him, it’s never enough and we miss him so much. We wanted let you know how grateful we are for placing him into our lives and for taking such good care of him when he was with you (all through his colorful history and challenges).
He certainly wasn’t the easiest at times, and you were so helpful in connecting us with a great trainer to assist with his snapping (which helped smooth the early days). He was a fighter - he beat cancer (twice) and always stood his ground no matter what. His doctors didn’t know how weak his poor lungs were because he presented such a brave face, and we are still in shock that he is gone.
We are so thankful that we got to show him the world and do our best to ensure his last years of his life were better than the ones that came before. Parenting him was immensely fulfilling and while he’s in a better place, we selfishly wish he was still lounging in our laps. Below are some of my favorite pictures of him (I’m sure my wife has some too), and we hope they bring you the same type of joy that he brought us each day.
Thank you,
Alexis and Joshua"
It's never easy losing a family member. French Bulldog Village sends our condolences and thanks Alexis and Joshua for loving Cabo so much.