Chunk in Montana- AVAILABLE!

LOCATION: Southwest Montana
AGE: 9 years
SEX: Male/Neutered
WEIGHT: 27 lbs
KIDS: Yes but older (ages 10+), dog savvy children
AVAILABLE AS OF: 03/23/2025
Raise your hand if you want to meet a Chunk, a Chunk of burning love? I Gotta Know! I will steal your heart like I steal the other dog's food! I didn't get this name by accident. I'm a 9-year-old, 27-pound, bowling ball shaped love nugget.
Prior to coming into rescue, I had been in 3 homes (my second owner passed away and the third one is who surrendered me to FBV) but please don’t let that deter you from being interested in me. I am an amazing guy! I swear!
I am a little wobbly in the rear end. It's best that I have carpeted areas as much as possible for traction. It is also recommended that I don’t have access to stairs. I will start shaking my legs like I'm the star singing Viva Las Vegas with a pursed lip. I am on Gabapentin and Prednisone which really help me. These will be long term medications for me. I have also been getting acupuncture treatments.
I get all shook up when someone knocks on the door, or I see something I am not sure of. I am a loud barker. I like cats. I like to burrow under blankets. I also like plushies and Nylabones.
I have a bad habit of eating poo. Yes, I said it. I eat poo and steal the resident dog’s food… both things for you to keep an eye on! I should be fed separately or have a human stand watch if I am eating with other dogs around, so I don’t steal. I also don’t love my head touched and can sometimes be a little snappy when you touch my ears and nose.
I love treats and will gobble them up quickly when given to me so watch your fingers! If you have children, older, dog savvy kids are best. I am fecal incontinent but do decently if kept on a regular feeding and potty schedule. However, I will sometimes poop in my sleep.
I will be Stuck On You! I'm known to be a Velcro dog. I like my crate. I've not been left in it too long yet but have done well so far. I like the car. I am learning leash manners. That thing is weird.
I am ready for someone to Love Me Tender. Are You Lonesome Tonight? Let me be your Teddy Bear and apply to adopt me!
If you are interested in adopting Chunk, please fill out an online application. There is a $10 application fee.