Debo in Florida– ADOPTED!!
Debo is home!! He was adopted by an amazing family and has two awesome new doggie siblings. He is being spoiled rotten and will want for nothing in life. We couldn’t be more thrilled for him. Way to go, Debo, in finding a great forever family!

Hello there! My name is Debo. My foster mom said it’s time to put myself out there and find my forever home. To be honest, I’m totally chill at the moment and have settled in so well here with these nice human people, but they said they need to be able to help other fosters like myself, so here we go….
I am a 3-year-old boy with black brindle hair and brown eyes. I am about a foot tall and weigh approximately 26 lbs……okay, okay, I will… foster mom says to tell you I’m neutered, whatever that is.
My foster mom said I should also tell you the “important” things first. I think it’s boring, but she says it’s super important because we have to make sure my new family can keep me safe and comfortable. So here goes….I get real itchy if I’m not on my medicine called APOQUEL. She says I have allergies. We don’t know if it’s food or contact allergies. Mom says my new family can keep me on Apoquel or try a food trial with my new veterinarian.
Also, I’m a…..what’s it called again…..oh yeah…..brachycephalic breed, or as my foster mom calls it, “smoosh face”. I can overheat easily and can’t catch my breath as quickly as long nose dogs, especially in the heat. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me much, as long as you don’t try to take me on long walks when it’s hot out or leave me outside in the yard for a long time. Apparently, this is a pretty common Frenchie thing.
My foster mom also calls me “potty trained.” I tell her that I’m a big boy now….but she says she doesn’t want to take a chance, so at night and when no one is home, I sleep in my comfy kennel to keep me out of trouble. I don’t mind being in there and I go in on my own for a cookie. I won’t yell at you if I have to stay in there for a while either. Oh! I also love the vet’s office and don’t mind anything they do to me there as long as I get attention! I let my foster mom bathe me, clean my ears and nose folds, and trim my nails. I don’t know what the big fuss is about…I don’t mind these things at all!
OKAY! Now for the fun stuff! I love ALL of you two legged humans…SO MUCH! The big ones, the little ones (you call them kids), and anything in between. I just want to follow all of you around everywhere. You guys are so much fun! You are my favorite animals by far! I also like dogs! I have just recently learned how to play with a dog that is always asking me to play. At first, I didn’t know how to play tug-of-war or chase, but man, it’s pretty fun! My foster brother has been teaching me! I can’t believe I didn’t know how to do this before! I’ve never lived with one of those cat animals, so I don’t know if I’d like them or not.
Overall, I’m pretty low key and do not need much activity to be happy. My most very favorite thing to do is to snuggle on the couch….all day, everyday….it’s my jam! My second most very favorite thing to do is to chase ALL the squirrels from the backyard. My foster mom says I’m “fast as lightning!” I also like walks and get super excited when we put my harness and that leash thing on. My foster mom says I’m very polite because I don’t yell at people or dogs or anything that we come across when out in public. She has even taken me into these big store places where you buy stuff to fix your house, which was super cool!
She also wants me to tell you that I don’t get nervous about anything at all….I mean duh, I’m a confident pup! She says I don’t have any “behavioral issues”. I’m pretty sure that’s a good thing. She says I’m PERFECT and AMAZING and that she is going to miss me SO much when I leave. But I am ready for an adventure, and I hope you are too!
Debo out…….