Gustov in Missouri— ADOPTED!!

Gustov is home....and what a great home he has found!! He has two wonderful new parents and a new doggie sibling. His doggie sibling is an English Bulldog and they are getting along fantastically. We could not be happier for this new family who already is so in love!

Be still your hearts Frenchie lovers--your Valentine is here!  Gustov is now on the market and would be your perfect 2020 Valentine.  This handsome fellow was surrendered to French Bulldog Village when his former owner realized he and his brother (who were given as gifts) were too much of a handful together.


Goose (as he is known to his friends) shares his foster home with other dogs and gets along fine with all of them.  He hasn't met a human, young or old, that he doesn’t like, but he hasn't been exposed to cats or other animals to know for sure how he would react to them.  Gustov loves to play and wrestle with other dogs, as well as run in his yard.  He would be best suited for a home with another playful dog and a yard to expend all his Frenchie puppy energy.


Goose is partially potty trained.  He still has some accidents and can be stubborn, so he will need a forever family that has patience to help him finish learning the ropes with the potty situation.  He also has a tendency to over drink water and urinate frequently.  His foster dad has been monitoring his water intake and limiting him to only what is needed so Goose can master his potty training.  It would be preferred if Goose went to a home with someone home most of the time so they can support his potty training.  He will need frequent potty breaks, and he prefers to have company with him to motivate him to go outside, so a dog door, although acceptable, wouldn't be ideal.


Despite his stubbornness, Goose is proud of his repertoire of tricks which includes Sit, Stay, Down, Leave It, and Come!  He looks forward to learning more commands in his new home. His favorite toys are balls and chewing on his bones.  His foster dad says Goose is a very happy dog and will bring so much joy to whomever is lucky enough to become his furever family.  He is the sweetest dog his foster dad has met and always wants to please his people.