In Loving Memory of Aurora “Rori”

From the moment I met Aurora (then named Sheba), her eyes never left me. She was definitely a momma’s girl. At family gatherings if she lost track of me, she would run around frantically sniffing everyone’s legs until she found me, and then she would look up with that sweet face and I would say “Here I am”. She was my constant shadow. No matter how bad my day was, she was always happy to see me and never left my side.

So many memories in the four short years we had her: walks on the beach, snoozing in my lap at the computer, playing with nieces and nephews, acting tough up on the bed, rides in the car, becoming friends with a handicap cat!…sunbathing, perching on the back of the couch looking out the window waiting for me to come home, that funny noise she made when you fed her a treat, her pink hoodie sweatshirt she lived in during the Wisconsin winter, stinky kisses and sneezes on my glasses, being mistaken for a howling cat when confined to the kennel, her little “tough kick” after going potty outside, stealing her Pug brother’s toys and laying on them so he couldn’t have them!

Rori taught us the rewards and importance of rescue adoption. Because of her, we will never “buy” another dog from a breeder. It’s hard to imagine life without her but the memories of our “sweet little sausage” will always remain.

Jodi, Skott and Fucie Shaw