Jango in Texas- ADOPTED!

LOCATION: San Antonio
AGE: 10 years
SEX: Male/Neutered
WEIGHT: 39 lbs
CATS: Unknown
AVAILABLE AS OF: 11/20/2024
Y'all! I am Jango, and I am lookin' for a new place to call home! I came from a place where there were some new whippersnappers (puppies), and I wasn't too happy with all that energy. I should mention that I am 10 years old.
I like baths. I have no choice since I get a weekly bath with a special shampoo because I tend to be itchy. I get this shot called Cytopoint as needed for my itchies, too. I will give a big 'ol "No thank you, ma'am" when you try to trim my nails.
I love children and all people. I also like dogs. I like my foster fur siblings, but they're not those whippersnappers I mentioned earlier. I am a little slow to warm up and should be introduced as such. Listen, at my age I've earned the right to take my time with things.
I like to watch over my land from the couch. Just some front porch sittin' suits me just fine. But I will holler when I see a deer! Those critters fascinate me.
I might prefer not to do stairs at my age. They are OK, but I'm not as good on them as I used to be. What I do like....my crate!
I reckon I might also like to have a fenced in yard. More for the protection of those pesky deer than for my safety. I am not goin' anywhere.
I like to eat my dinner around 5:30. I know what you're thinking. Yes, like my friends at Luby's. This gives me more time to sleep. I didn't get this purty by stayin' up all night!
As an older guy, I do need to go out to potty a bit more frequently, but I usually will let you know with a gentle paw on your leg. I also would really prefer a midday potty break if you work outside of the house.
If you think this gentleman would make a good member of your family, please apply!!