Paige in Georgia- ADOPTED!!

Paige is now in her forever home. She has an amazing new mom and dad, numerous human siblings, and an English Bulldog sister. Her parents have a lot of experience with bulldogs, but Paige is their first Frenchie. They are absolutely thrilled to have had Paige join their family. She is already one spoiled girl and is loving spending her days hanging with her forever family.

Paige is 4 years and 8 months. She is very easygoing and has gotten along with everyone she has met. She is fearful, however, if you have something large in your hand and of loud noises and any unpredictable activity. For this reason, she would do best in a home with older, dog savvy children.


She currently lives with other dogs and cats. She has been around several female dogs about her size and a male Yorkie. She loves playing with other dogs and seems to prefer them to people. She ignores the cats in her foster home and does not have much of a prey drive, so likely would do okay with pet birds and other small animals.


Paige is super into her people and especially loves having a dog friend. She would make a wonderful companion for a geriatric or handicapped dog as she plays very gently. To initiate play with her handicapped foster sibling, she will gently nibble her neck or ear to entice her to play. She also does well with dogs that exhibit dominant behavior. She willingly gives up toys and her bed to other dogs. However, she would prefer another gentle dog as her companion. She gets a little defensive with dogs that are overly excited and play rough. She has shown absolutely no signs of aggression toward humans or other animals, though, while in FBV’s care.


She suffers from allergies that are currently managed well but her new family should be prepared to address them differently should they worsen. Paige is prone to ear infections/yeasty ears (treated with Malmetazone) and itchy paws and face folds (treated with MiconaHex+Triz wipes). She also is prone to hot spots (treated with Betagen topical spray). She is currently on a raw diet and really loves it. It's not necessary for her new family to continue to keep her on raw, but a high-quality limited ingredient food is likely necessary due to her predisposition for allergy issues.


She is currently only partially housebroken. She will go potty outside at times; however, sometimes she and her foster family are outside for a very long time, and she won’t go until they are back inside. It is almost immediately that she goes…like she was just waiting to go back inside to go. Right now, she uses pee pads about 25% of the time, goes outside maybe 25% of the time, and goes on the floor the rest of the time. Her foster family is really working on her potty training, but this gal is not a huge fan of outside or walking on grass. They are even giving her praise for just stepping foot outside the back door. It will be essential for her forever home to devote the time to help Paige with her potty training. Her foster family thinks she will eventually get it, but it will take time and a lot of patience as well as gentle praise (too much enthusiasm scares her).


Since Paige isn’t too fond of grass (and will literally make sure to stand on as few legs as possible to avoid touching it), having a yard is not a big deal. She is still working on her leash training, though. She likely will enjoy short walks during mild weather. She really is pretty calm and is content to sleep in close proximity to where her people are hanging out. She does not or cannot jump onto furniture and does not do well with stairs. She does, however, use a ramp to get on furniture. For stairs, she will need to be carried up and down. In her foster home, she sleeps in a bed next to her human’s bed but would prefer to sleep with her humans in her forever home if possible.


Paige enjoys rope toys, Himalayan chews and playing with her foster doggie sister. She is crate trained and because of her struggles with housebreaking, is really in need of a home where someone is home all day or someone who can provide her with frequent and regular potty breaks. She is an incredibly sweet and loving dog. Everyone who meets her absolutely loves her!


Paige likes to get your attention by jumping up on your legs or gently scratching you to let you know you should be petting her. She also has the funniest bark—it’s one bark and then a really long reverse growl.