RIP Sweet Ringo

FBV “Georgia Gang” foster Ringo passed away on April 20, 2017. He was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer shortly after arriving at his foster mom’s home. Here is what she had to say about sweet Ringo’s passing:

“My beloved protector, FBV foster Ringo, passed today with the compassionate assistance of his hospice service.

I knew his time was coming but it wasn’t until a professional evaluation earlier this week that it became very apparent he was not comfortable.

Having Ringo the shortest made this loss no easier. He grabbed onto my heart and I loved him the moment I set eyes on him.

I miss his howling and barking, his protective nature and his paw….that he’d reach out to touch me with to encourage me to pet him. He was a strong personality and I miss his spirit. Every month of this year I’ve lost special parts of my life to death. I only hope that there is truth in that we will all meet again.

RIP Ringo, you are now forever a member of our household and this house will forever be your home.”

Godspeed Ringo. You will always be loved and never forgotten. Run free sweet boy…💔💔💔