RIP Sweet Stevie

Yesterday we introduced you to Stevie. Stevie was paralyzed, having pain sensation, and needed emergency surgery. This morning, she was evaluated by the neurologist. Upon exam, the neurologist said that the deep pain sensation she had the day before was now gone, that there was a definite mark on her back, and that she was showing no response. Her doctors advised that we do the MRI and we agreed.

Sadly, the MRI showed myelomalacia, which is a necrosis of the spinal cord that can happen after an injury. At this point, doctors advised us of her best case scenario. The best case would be that there would be an incredibly small chance that she would come out of surgery, be incontinent, not have the use of her back legs, and require a cart/wheelchair. The worst case and most likely scenario is that her condition would cause her to lose feeling to her front paws and eventually stop breathing.

We made the difficult decision to let Stevie go while she was under anesthesia. We were able to speak with Stevie’s original loving owner to let her know what the doctors found and the possible outcomes. She was able to say goodbye to Stevie and will be collecting her remains.

Although this was the worst possible scenario, we are so thankful to all of you who shared our post and stepped up with donations to help Stevie. While we did not have to pay for the full surgery, your donations helped us to get Stevie to the neurologist and have the MRI, so we thank you all for sharing and donating.

We are extremely saddened by today’s turn of events. These are decisions that we do not take lightly and Stevie was so loved by her surrendering owner and newly by the doctors and us. We know Stevie is running free with all those we have lost before. Thank you all again.

RIP Sweet Stevie

Today, 3/29/20, we received an urgent plea to take in a sweet 3-year-old female Frenchie named Stevie. Stevie was admitted to an emergency hospital because she could not move and was in pain. We had to spring into action to help her! Her loving owner had fallen on hard times given the current state of the economy and surrendered Stevie to us hoping we could get her the care she needs and deserves. So far, her symptoms are presenting as potential IVDD, meningitis, or neoplasia. We will know more once she sees a neurologist in the morning and has an MRI. Stevie is staying at the hospital tonight and is scheduled to see the neurologist and have emergency surgery tomorrow morning.