Lili in Arizona– ADOPTED!!

Lili has been adopted by a wonderful couple who is thrilled to have welcomed her into their lives. She also has a new doggie sibling to play with and cuddle. Her forever family is looking forward to spending many years and memories with her. Congratulations to Lili and her family for finding each other! Miss Lili is…

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Poncho turned 13 this year!

Alum Poncho is now 13. The vet says he is in impressively good health. His forever mom reports, “he still doesn’t listen to anyone but he’s so funny and we love him.”   Poncho, we are thrilled to hear you are doing so well. May you celebrate many more years with your forever family. It…

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Cabbage in Nevada- ADOPTED!

Cabbage has been adopted by an amazing forever dad! She not only has this awesome new dad to love but she also has a new Frenchie brother. Cabbage is already fitting in spectacularly in her new residence; it’s like she has always been part of the family. She is one lucky gal! Welcome Cabbage to…

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Tulip in North Carolina- ADOPTED!!

Tulip has been adopted by an awesome new mom! She also has two new doggie siblings with whom to cuddle and play. She is certain to live the life of a princess and we couldn’t be more thrilled. This sweet girl deserves all the best in life. Congratulations to Tulip and her forever family! Tulip…

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Hambone & Fresca Update

It’s been almost 16 months since Hambone & Frenchesca (Fresca) made the journey from FL to their forever home in NC. Their forever mom said it’s been a crazy last 16 months, but these two have brought nothing but unconditional love and joy to their home and hearts!   Everyone at FBV is thrilled to…

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Max in Kentucky– ADOPTED!

Way to go, Max!! You have found an amazing forever home with a new mom and dad and a new Frenchie sister. We are so excited for you! We know that you are going to be very loved and are about to have some awesome new adventures with your family. We hope to hear all…

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Bella in Florida– ADOPTED!

Bella has found her forever with a wonderful new family! She has an amazing new mom and dad as well as a Frenchie sister. Bella is going to be one loved and spoiled girl. Her forever family takes their pups on lots of trips with them so Bella will get to see many different places.…

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Mabel in Maryland– ADOPTED!

Mabel is home!! She was adopted by an amazing family. She has a wonderful mom, dad, and grandma with whom she lives. She also has a cute new Frenchie brother! Her parents worked very hard to slowly introduce the two pups to ensure the two got along well together. Well, you can see from the…

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Lucy (FKA Kaysi) Update

We received this wonderful update from Lucy’s forever family:   “It’s been one year since we adopted Lucy (Kaysi) and we couldn’t be happier! Her skin has finally adjusted to the TN weather and her allergies are much more controlled now. We had to stop the cytopoint injections as these were causing horrible skin rashes…

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In Loving Memory of Penny

We have some very sad news to share. Penny has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. She was taken to the ER blue, stridorous, and with decreased oxygen levels. She needed to be intubated. When intubated, her airway was found to be very swollen. She was given IV fluids and steroids but after being extubated a few…

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